Jun 20, 2009

Thomas cake for Ariff

Thomas Birthday Cake for Ariff on his 3rd birthday,ordered by Mimi from Putra Height. Happy b day Ariff...wish you all the best. Thanks alot to Mimi & Family.

I'd like to say thank you so much to uni Dewi for giving me permission to adapt her thomas cake design. Thank you so much Uni..love you....

And finally my First Thomas cake(whole cake),I used fondant for the smoke pillar (try to find the easiest way) next time I'll try to make them from cake also,Insya ALlah.

enjoy the pics....


Ike Hermawan said...

pinter banget sih mbaaa...tularin donk ke aku....:)

Evi said...

halo mbak..wah rame bikin Thomas ya .., bagus mbak. Aku belum bisa nih bikin Thomas.

happyninie said...

@Mbak Ike

yukk di tularin..he..he..thanks ya...

@Mbak Evi

Bikin mbak..coba dulu.... :)